Markdown is a simple way to add formatting to text. In SquadPod, markdown is available for messages within discussions and chat rooms, so you can use it to format any message.
Add markdown to your messages
You can add formatting using markdown in two ways:
- Toolbar shortcuts: highlight the text you want to format and select the appropriate icon in the toolbar. These icons are provided in the "Icon" column in the table below. As an example, if you want to bold text, highlight the text and click the
icon in the toolbar.
- You can also add markdown without using the toolbar by typing specific characters on your keyboard to format the text. These characters are provided in the Action column in the table below. As an example, you can make your text bold by typing two asterisks before and two asterisks after your text, like this: **Bold**.
When markdown is used to format text, the intended formatting changes will appear after the message is sent. So if you are bolding text, the text will appear as **Bold** before you send the message and will appear as Bold after you send the message. Markdown formatting is also supported in Chat rooms. The toolbar shortcuts are not provided, but you can still add the syntax characters when drafting a message.
Available markdown actions in SquadPod
The examples provided in this table demonstrate what the text will look like when you utilize each icon or action.
Icon | Action | Example |
**Bold** |
Bold |
_Italic_ |
Italic |
## Heading |
Heading |
- Bulleted List |
1. Numbered List |
1. Numbered List |
[Text](URL) | |
@Mention |
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