Who can invite people to a squad?
Invite people to a squad
Share a QR code
Each squad invite link has a QR code that can be scanned to join your squad. You can share the QR code easily from any device, or share the invite link URL via social media, text, or even email. A person can scan the code using a Camera app or click on the link to accept the invite to join your squad. Squad admins can use the default invite link (Squad Invite), or create a new link.
- Open the side menu
- Select Invitations
- Tap Share a link
- Tap the QR code icon next to the link you wish to share with people
After scanning the link, the person will be prompted to sign in using an existing account or create a new account. If the device that scans the code does not have the SquadPod app installed then the option to download it will be available.
Just tapping the invite link will open the Android menu for Sharing content. You can copy the link or share it via any option available to you in your device's menu instead of using the QR code.
Invite links can be revoked so people cannot join via the link wherever it was shared.
Text Message
The pending invite will appear in the Manage Invites section under the Pending tab. Squad Admins can edit the display name, change the role, resend the text message, or revoke the invite while it has a pending status.
- Open the side menu
- Select Invitations
- Tap Text Message
- Enter a phone number
- Enter a display name
- When you're finished, tap Send
The pending invite will appear in the Manage Invites section under the Pending tab. Squad Admins can edit the display name, change the role, resend the text message, or revoke the invite while it has a pending status.
- Open the side menu
- Select Invitations
- Tap Email
- Enter an email - the display name will automatically populate the text before the '@' symbol
- When you're finished, tap Send
Import Contacts
You can import contacts from your device that contain a valid email address or phone number.
- Open the side menu
- Select Invitations
- Tap Import Contacts
- Select contacts from the list
- Tap Done
- Review the list of contacts - here you can select a phone number or email if the contact has both items.
- When you're finished, tap Send
Manage Invites
Squad Admins can view all of the invites for a squad, including invites created by other Squad Admins. Email and text message invites will show a status of Pending until it is accepted, declined, or revoked. Squad Admins can make the following changes to pending invites:
- Edit the display name
- Change the assigned role for the invite
- Share a single-use invite link
- Resend the invite
- Send a new email or text message if it has been lost
- Revoke the invite
- Revoking an invite disables the link so the invited member cannot join the squad.
View invites in your squad
- Open the side menu
- Select Invitations
- Tap Manage Invites
The most recent squad invitations will appear at the top of the list. The invitations are filtered by Pending, Accepted, and Declined. Invites that have been revoked will not appear in this view. Members that join your squad via the squad invite link will appear in the Accepted list.
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My squad name
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